Thursday, May 23, 2013

Normal Day In Gokulam

  Today was day 3 of practice.  I woke up very sore and tired from the last few days.  I have been walking a lot too and realized how much I take movable transportation for granted.  I can remember not even a few weeks ago complaining about having a manual transmission in my car.  Don't get me wrong..I'll complain again a few months after getting home but as of right now I'm grateful. I woke up and had my coffee and then I was on my way to yoga.  When I arrived all I could think about was how am I going to do this today.  Once I got into the practice room not another thought like that entered my mind.  The place is magical.

  The first few days I've had a hard time catching my breath during my practice.  I can't explain why but it just seems hard to catch my breath.  Today it was a little easier.  I went through my practice and Jaiprakash came over and assisted me in so many of my postures.  I don't want to get ahead of myself but I think there is some progress happening.  I am a firm believer that yoga is the Guru but Jaiprakash is such a great teacher.  He knows exactly how to help me modify certain poses and is very kind but firm in his assists.  I'm very grateful and blessed.  I keep thinking to myself how did I get so lucky to go down the path I'm going.

Cow on the way home from practice
  Practice ended and I walked home.  I showered and did my laundry bucket style and headed out for water and bananas.  In the heat I've been drinking 3 liters a day plus coffee and tea.  Walking to the market I realized I'm walking a lot.  I now realize looking around that with all the scooters and bikes and rickshaws and buses there are so many people who walk.  It makes me think of home when I drive to the grocery store and it's only half mile away and all I get are a few items.  It's made me realize how much gas I waste on little trips here and there.  You look around here and people are in pretty good shape because they walk everywhere they go.  It's awesome exercise and environmental at the same time.

Neighbors a few houses up
  On my daily walks to market or to get little things here and there I get to notice the cows and the local houses and the trees and the beautiful people.  I often wonder if I was driving would I take notice of these things.  If you look deep into the heart of India you will see one of the most beautiful places you can ever imagine.  India truly is a place where magic happens.

Local Gokulam cows eating lunch

More neighbors


  1. What medium is used on the elephant. It's beautiful. I love you1

    1. Probably Kumkum powder mixed with water. It's kind of like chalk. Love you too
