Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Class

  Today I had my first class at the Mystic School with Jaiprakash.  The first difference I noticed before we even started our practice was the opening mantra is different.  It has about five lines added to the beginning of what I already know.  Jaiprakash lead us in a call and response and everyone but me chanted strong.  I pounded it out once we got to the part that was familiar.  Then we all started our Mysore style practice.

  Mysore style practice is when the yoga practitioner goes at their own pace.  Ashtanga yoga has 6 series but most people are in series one or two.  Series one is known as primary series.  It can take a yoga practitioner as long as 20 years or more to become proficient in primary series.  Each posture is earned by the practitioner and when you're able to perform the posture safely you are given the next posture in the series.  You may start at the same time as the person beside you or behind you but you will most definitely finish at different times.  It is your practice.  There's absolutely no judgement or competition.  It's a beautiful and humbling process.

   Today being the first day of practice I had no idea what I was in for.  I was very nervous and started beating myself up immediately in my head as I began my practice.  Jaiprakash walked over in my very first down dog and adjusted my hands and then my feet.  It was a good moment. I was a little shocked at being assisted so early because of my prior experience with this practice is that usually you don't get assisted until after your sun salutations.  It was nice.  By the end of my ten sun salutations I lost count of the assists I had received.  It was just the beginning and I had already had one of the deepest practices ever.  I moved through my practice slowly because of a damaged hamstring and one position to the next Jaiprakash kept coming over and assisting me deeper into each  pose.  He was moving around to everyone in the room.  There was no special treatment he is just so aware of his students.  I felt like I was in the right place.

  When I got to the floor I really started feeling my hamstring on my left side.  If you have ever had a hamstring injury you know what I'm talking about.  Jaiprakesh walked over to me in Paschimattanasana A and put his hands on my back and my pain went away. Low and behold my pain was gone.  I can't explain it but when I looked up the walls were beaming with a glow and my pain was not in my hamstring.  I proceeded to finish at my stopping point and my practice was over.  I laid down in savasana and it was the end of an awesome practice.  As I was walking out Jaiprakash walked over and smiled and handed me a copy of the mantra and said..."you take this and learn"... I thanked him and walked home.

Local Lady
Rooster who wakes me up
  On the way back to my place I felt so awesome.  I noticed the color in everything down to the lady with the basket on her head to the rooster who wakes me up every morning.  I just felt like life is good and I'm on the right path.  I went home and showered and walked to Coffee Day (Indian Starbucks) for my coffee and then I went to 6th Main Restaurant for my simple lunch of rasam, sambar, and steamed rice.  Life is good and I'm very lucky to be where I am.  I didn't get here by myself and I'm so grateful for all the people who were part of the path to get me here.  You all are my teacher and I am forever your student.
The Sixth Main Restaurant

"Gurubyo Namaha"
(I pay respect to the teacher)

Simple rice with sambar and rasam


  1. The colors are so vivid and beautiful. Lots of scooters, too.

    Hank had a quarterly board meeting & I ate a sandwich. We'll go out this weekend. The "big 30" made up for the cloud that hung over all of us on our 25th. It will soon be 5 years - what more can we ask for?

    Be safe & keep the pictures coming.

    We love you, Mom

  2. Your lunch looks much better than your breakfast. Sounds like you have found a great place to continue your yoga journey. Continue on until we see you again.

  3. I am so glad you're doing this blog. I truly feel like I am part of your experience, Jonathan!
