Monday, June 10, 2013

People For Animals Needs You

People for Animals non-kill shelter
  Today after practice I was really excited to go and volunteer for a bit over at the People For Animals (PFA) in Mysore.  People For Animals is a non kill shelter that takes in hurt, abused, neglected, crippled, and dying animals and gives them the help they need to sustain a healthy life or make their last days as comfortable as possible.  I will tell you now that I was not expecting to see and feel what I experienced.  I will never be the same and I  hope this will make people aware of the abuse not just in this country but all over the world that is allowed to happen to these innocent animals.  That being said for you people who are not animal fans I want you to know that the same treatment is happening to the people of India and all over the world so take off your God damned shades and wake the fuck up.  Get out your checkbooks and off your ass and do something about it even if it's just an after thought.

Sweet little girl who greeted me
  When I walked in the gate I was greeted by a little dog that was very sick but so excited to see a visitor.  She hobbled over to me... just a little bag of bones with no hind leg.  She was so sweet.  I reached in my backpack right away and pulled out the biscuits.  She sat like a good little girl and ate a few biscuits right out of my hand.  They picked her up a few days ago and though she is sick and crippled she is already showing progress.  Her leg had been caught in a fence and they believe she had chewed it off to get free.  They have her on antibiotics and are feeding her curd to put some weight on her.  I ran some energy through her and she sat still for about two minutes and was finished.  The whole time I was there my hands were turned on.  I couldn't even direct the current of energy it was just going to every animal around me.  The dogs and horses and cats and even the birds were soaking it up.  At one point I had to step out of the area so I could rest.  They are so sick and yet so lovable after all the abuse that's been done to them.

She didn't make it..moments after she passed
  I walked over to the garden area they have set up for a memorial and there was a puppy that has been there for a few weeks.  Her mom and siblings are all dead and she is the last one.  Her breath was so labored and I sat by her for awhile.  She lifted her head and laid it on my lap.  I rubbed her head for about 10 minutes until she finally took her last breath.  The vet came over and he said that it was a good passing.  They usually go alone in the night.  I was in tears because it is so unbearable to not be able to do anything.  I can see her now though and she is not sick anymore and she is happy and she will soon join her mom and siblings.  Her spirit followed me the rest of the morning but stayed there when I left and though I know this and I know she is passed to a better place I'm still writing this in tears.

Jimmy the pony
  I got up and walked over to the fence where there was a little pony limping.  I looked down and he had a broken leg.  He was also in an accident and left on the side of the street.  They don't have the resources to do surgery but they have healed the broken skin and flesh and he is getting stronger.  He walks with a limp but he gets around.  I have named him Jimmy after my Grandpa who loved horses.  Jimmy comes right to me and I fed him cookies and chiki (peanut candy).  I'm taking oats for Jimmy on Friday.  My goal in the next 3 months is to help put some weight on him to make him stronger.  Jimmy is followed around by a little foal that's bonded with him.  A little shy but I'm going to work on her.  I have all Summer.

  They have a place inside where they keep the monkeys and wild animals getting ready to be released. There are pigs and tons of cats and kittens.  PFA will go out into the neighborhoods and pick up stray cats and dogs bring them back to the refuge and spay and neuter them.  They clip one of the ears about a third the way down so when they release them back into the wild they can tell the cats and dogs that have been fixed from the ones that haven't.  It's a great method.

Little healthy monkey
  There are a few vets on call but they are limited on supplies.  They need money for food and medicine so they can treat all the animals.  The animals that are the most severe get the treatment first.  Sometimes the others don't make it.  Some days they have enough food to feed all the animals and other days they all go hungry.  It's not like back home where there is a bunch of pet stores and animal lovers to donate food and money.  Most of the people here don't give a shit so it's as if they don't even exist.  There are that handful of locals and westerners that do care and that's why PFA is as successful as it is today.
   It's time for these westerner's and yogi's coming into this country to stop being so self centered and come volunteer and donate to places like PFA.  I know people want to do all their self work with yoga and chanting and meditation but how does that make us better if around the corner there are animals and people being abused and mistreated. I love yoga and all that shit but I'm also ok with who I am.  I'm ok with practicing on a moon day.  I'm ok with not chanting with proper pronunciation. I'm ok with having more than one teacher.  I'm ok with not practicing at the "main shala".  I'm ok with not reaching enlightenment in this life or the next 100 lifetimes.  Who the fuck cares about Samadhi when this kind of behavior is allowed to happen to any of God's creatures anywhere.  I have some news for you...No one is reaching Samadhi anytime soon as long as there's this kind of abuse going on anywhere in the world.

She was hit and left for dead. Back end is paralyzed.
  I will tell you that I am very humbled by today.  I am not always the best person I can be or do I act in the highest good all the time but seeing what I've seen today makes me want to try to be.  I will try to give back as much as I can and make as much of a difference as I can in the time I have.  Even if it's just the short amount of time every week spent with little Jimmy the pony with a crippled leg... As long as there are sick, mistreated, abused, and crippled animals in this world we are all broken and sick and crippled... None of us are whole.....And if we are God and God is us then we are neglecting the very part of God we are "one" with.  The animals have no choice...the children have no choice...but we step the fuck up, say a prayer, give a dollar, shed a something... but don't do nothing.

***I would like to thank Chris Ebbe, Warren Baker, Tracy and Raymond Cox for all they do and have done for the people and animals of India.  These people have not only raised money for organizations here in Mysore but they are making a difference in educating and unconditionally loving the people of the world.  I love you guys and you are my heros.***


  1. Certainly one of the hardest things to endure in developing countries or former colonies (that may be redundant, right?) is the treatment of animals. As you said, people are often treated the same way and it's heart breaking. All we can do is just what you're doing; stop it when we can, love as much as we can and write about it as much as we can...hopefully we can make a difference...

  2. Any donation will help.

  3. Thank you so very much for sharing this. I will pray for this loving cause and all those involved. I am glad your healing hands were able to send positive energy to these loving creatures.
